Heritage Pointe
8590 Malven Avenue • Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730
National CORE’s first new construction project completely developed and built in-house, Heritage Pointe provides 49 units of award-winning affordable housing for seniors. Hope through Housing offers Heritage Pointe residents senior-specific services at the property’s community center.
Project Specifications
Total Units (49 Units)
- 49 1-Bedroom
- Owner
- General Contractor
- Developer
- Property Manager
- Supportive Services Provider
Financing Sources
- Tax-Exempt Bonds
- LIHTC – 4%
- County of San Bernardino HOME Loan
- MHRB/Rancho Cucamonga RDA Loan
- Permanent Loan
Onsite Amenities
- Community Center
- Computer Room
- Centralized Laundry Facilities
- Outdoor Community Areas
- Onsite property management and maintenance

Information about the Services Provider
Hope through Housing concentrates on direct services, partnerships, and other resources right in the neighborhoods that need them most. Their goal is to see all people thrive – whether that means helping children to do well in school, improving families’ financial situations, providing supportive services to individuals with special needs, or making it possible for seniors to age with dignity in their own homes.
Become a Resident
All National CORE owned and operated communities do not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities. The person named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implementing Section 504 (24 CFR, part 8 dated June 2, 1988), in addition to any accessibility or accommodations questions and concerns.
Bill Miller 9692 Haven Avenue, Suite 100 | Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
(909) 294-6153
Dial 711 for California Telephone Relay Services (TRS) for hearing and speech disability assistance
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
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Building the Future of Community
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