What We Do
Building the Future of Community
The Community Renaissance Concept builds foundations in challenged neighborhoods that address housing social service and educational needs and a range of community development gaps essential to long-term personal and community growth.
Unlike traditional community redevelopment concepts, which focus mainly on physical infrastructure and some economic development, Community Renaissance mainly focuses on the long-term transformational impact on people and neighborhoods.
National CORE has identified six interconnected components of Community Renaissance. With an effective coordination effort that leverages resources and expert partnerships, the combined impact is greater than the sum of the distinct initiatives.

Developing, preserving and investing in the physical environment.
Safe, high-quality shelter is an essential building block to a better life, creating the necessary environment to move people from dependency to self-sufficiency. National CORE’s national award-winning communities provide those with the greatest need a place they can proudly call home.

Improving access to quality education.
Breaking the cycle of dependency requires a supportive educational environment, providing the tools needed to succeed in an increasingly demanding and competitive job market. National CORE’s Hope through Housing Foundation provides preschool and afterschool programs, family financial literacy training and other support services designed to give children and their families a fighting chance. In addition, our partnerships and strong relationships with school districts ensure that we’re in alignment with the demands of 21st century education.

Economic Growth
Stimulating economic activity.
Well-designed, well-managed housing is a catalyst for economic growth, encouraging others to invest in the community, uplifting property values and – in the Community Renaissance model – providing the support for people to improve their lives and change their socioeconomic status. National CORE has earned national recognition as a leader and innovator in workforce housing, building live-work and transit-oriented developments that allow our residents to maximize their revenue-earning potential.

Health &
Fostering healthy environments.
The correlation between healthy living and personal success is undeniable. Conversely, poverty, lack of education and inadequate shelter are a prescription for poor health and are all major contributors to our nation’s health-care crisis. It is a burden we all share. Fitness centers, wellness programs and partnerships with health-care organizations allow National CORE and Hope to make healthy living an integral part of the total living package.

Providing livable and safe neighborhoods.
The “broken-window theory” is more than that. It is based in statistics and fact – regardless of income levels, a rental community that is well maintained and managed will experience less crime than one that is not. This has far-reaching impact on the community at large, encouraging businesses to come in, increasing overall property values and reducing law-enforcement costs. At National CORE, we support this by providing onsite property management and working closely with local police departments to provide the safest living environment possible.

Environment & Infrastructure
Focusing on transit-oriented developments and proximity to schools and medical facilities.
Where and how a housing development is built can have a transformational impact on a community’s – as well as a region’s – quality of life. Design efficiencies, access to public transportation and proximity to schools, churches and medical facilities can lower our carbon footprint, reduce congestion and create a greater sense of community. National CORE is a nationally recognized innovator in all of the above, building well-situated, environmentally friendly, state-of-the-art communities.
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Building the Future of Community
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