
Read “The Cost of NOT Housing” report by Joel Kotkin

“The Cost of NOT Housing” Symposium

March 10, 2016
The Mission Inn • Riverside, CA

The 2016 Symposium on the Affordability of Housing: The Cost of Not Housing” examined a commonplace view that housing does not contribute to the overall fiscal and economic condition of cities. Recent trends suggest that this is not the case. New housing, including affordable units, provide some direct stimulation through construction jobs, but also allow people, particularly young families, to stay, work and shop locally. Lack of affordable housing ultimately drives people, particularly the entry level and young educated, out of regions where their labor would be coveted by local companies.

In this educational, thought-provoking symposium, local leaders discussed the need for, and importance of, well-managed housing across a range of types and price points for the wellbeing of our communities.

“How we deal with the housing crisis will shape our future, and will largely determine what kind of nation we will become.”

Read the “Housing the Future” report by Joel Kotkin

“Housing the Future: The Inland Empire as Southern California’s Indispensable Geography” Symposium

February 5, 2015
DoubleTree Hotel • Ontario, CA

On the afternoon of February 5th, 2015, a group of local leaders gathered for an important discussion with vast implications for our region. “Housing the Future: The Inland Empire as Southern California’s Indispensable Geography” was a symposium designed to bring awareness to both the region’s great potential and its unique set of challenges.

“To restore growth and prosperity to the region, local cities and towns have to start regarding housing not as a detriment, but as a critical economic asset.”

View the symposium booklet

Symposium on the Affordability of Housing

June 19, 2013
Rayburn House Office Building • Washington, DC

The housing crisis has made clear that achieving an adequate supply of appropriately-priced housing should be a principal policy concern for our nation. Across the country, incomes have not kept pace with rising housing prices. As a result, families today expend a far higher proportion of their income for housing than ever before. This has disproportionately impacted young, poor, minority, and working class populations. Because the market has failed to produce an adequate supply of appropriately-priced housing, federal housing assistance programs are facing considerable strain while budget pressures have made it impossible for subsidy levels to meet the current demand.

With a mission to provide affordable housing, National CORE is heavily vested in the broader conversation to identify the causes of the housing market’s inability to provide adequate affordable housing alternatives. We were proud to host some of our nation’s leaders as part of an interactive discussion that began formulating workable solutions to this national crisis.

“Therein lies the key – that this isn’t just about affordable housing, but the ability of communities to revitalize themselves, of people and families to become self-sufficient, and businesses to prosper.”

Download the final report of the first annual “Building the Future of Community” symposium.

“Building the Future of Community” Symposium

October 26, 2012
Sheraton Event Center • Pomona, CA

The purpose of the “Building the Future of Community” symposium is to engage experts from a broad range of social service, economic development, affordable housing, and community development interests in a dialogue about how to create positive change in challenged neighborhoods and low-income communities.

Frequently, experts and practitioners from differing fields work in defined silos that share unique vocabularies and similar frames of reference. This unique gathering will offer an opportunity for a conversation with experts and practitioners in affordable housing, economic development, socioeconomic mobility, community renewal, health care and community development. The question we will seek to address is:

“Is it possible for these areas of focus to cross their boundaries and develop successful comprehensive solutions to revitalize neighborhoods and inspire families to move toward economic stability? If so, how?”


Building the Future of Community