INDIAN WELLS, Calif. – LeeAnn Faucett, former executive director of the Scheu Family YMCA of Upland, has joined National CORE as director of philanthropy, focusing on fundraising activities in the desert region.
Faucett, who spearheaded a $15 million capital campaign for the Scheu Y, is well known throughout Riverside and San Bernardino counties for her philanthropic ventures and is a recipient of California Assemblyman Bill Emmerson’s Woman of Distinction Award.
National CORE is the third largest national nonprofit developer of affordable housing, and manages 10 properties in Riverside County, including Cathedral Palms and River Canyon Apartments in Cathedral City, Mountain View Villas and Indian Wells Villas in Indian Wells, and Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes in La Quinta.
“LeeAnnjoins the best nonprofit, affordable housing team in the country, and we’re fortunate to have her,” said Steve PonTell, National CORE’s chief executive officer. “Her experience and depth helps position us a thought leader in developing sustainable, collaborative models that revitalize communities and inspire families to self sufficiency.”
Fund-raising is a growing challenge in the affordable-housing universe as traditional sources of financing disappear. In California, the elimination of redevelopment financing a year ago cost cities countless millions of dollars that would have been used to develop low-income housing.
Faucett spent 14 years as vice president and executive director for the Scheu Family YMCA. Under her leadership, the Scheu Y evolved from a small store-front operation providing mainly early child development care and services to a full-service YMCA consisting of a 46,000- foot sports and wellness facility.
Among her early tasks will be establishing an advisory council for the desert region. For more information, she can be contacted at [email protected].
National CORE, founded in 1992 manages nearly 9,000 affordable housing units and serves more than 25,000 residents in California, Arkansas, Texas and Florida. In addition, its Hope through Housing subsidiary has provided more than 2 million hours in supportive services to enhance quality of life, including preschool, afterschool and senior wellness programs.
CONTACT: Steve Lambert, The 20/20 Network
(909) 841-7527 [email protected]